Walking through Coronavirus – Mary Jo Balistreri

 Naples Florida, April 20, 2020

We see through blacktop to the clouds
heat rising like sheets of glass
A crow’s piercing caw shreds the air
stillness magnifying sound
An alligator with mouth wide-open moves
closer Sharp teeth glisten in full sun
A few cyclists glide in the heat haze
heads down Unspeaking As if in a dream
Walkers like us masked and gloved
lose the borders of our identity
We turn onto a path through mangroves
drooping in listless splendor
Above the trees a parallel world
of spiders Spinning Unfazed by heat
their silken nets stretch above us
Small dead things encased
Mudflats and estuaries lie empty
Where did the shorebirds go
In the clearing the sky is blank
indifferent Not the smallest movement of air

Copyright 2020 Mary Jo Balistreri
Waukesha, WI


Mary Jo Balistreri is a writer from Waukesha, Wisconsin. She has three poetry collections (Bellowing Ark Press—2008, 2012) (Future Cycle Press, 2019) and a chapbook (Tiger’s Eye Press, 2014) This poem was written during lockdown from Coronavirus when we were away in Florida. Beaches were closed along with everything else. My husband was not well. We couldn’t find a flight home. The poem was a necessary first step, though I didn’t know it then, to get back into writing. For more information, please visit me at maryjobalistreripoet.com

Donation Appeal:

Throughout June and July, we will be presenting on this web site work by poets and artists responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope you will find these works relevant, comforting and inspiring as we all cope with the economic and health-related fallout.

As you view the work on this site each day, we would like to encourage you to donate to the Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC). Their mission “ is to feed our neighbors in need by providing dignified access to supplemental groceries. AFAC is seeing a record number of families due to the COVID-19 pandemic as families who never thought they would ever be in need are now showing up at our doors for much needed food.”  And, in keeping with our hunger-focused efforts, you may also want to visit the Poetry X Hunger website where poems by many poets are posted and are being used by anti-hunger organizations.”

Throughout June and July, we will be presenting on this web site work by poets and artists responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope you will find these works relevant, comforting and inspiring as we all cope with the economic and health-related fallout.

Please consider donating to AFAC. If you do, let us know which poet or artist inspired you so we can send you a personal thank you.

If you send a donation, please let us know.

And thank you for your visit and your generosity.

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One Response to Walking through Coronavirus – Mary Jo Balistreri

  1. Glad to see that you are writing again, Mary Jo. Hope you and Frank are doing well.

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