Susan Notar

The Earth, Sea, Ripe Fruit

The field is parched and cracked
August angry cornstalks
splitting open the earth’s maw
merciless blue sky
but we swim in a grey angry sea
the roar of the surf in our ears like sirens
the seagulls mock us in the chill air
my ex-husband now swims in front of me
wearing a scuba mask
I want to don my mask too
but I am worried about losing
my $600 progressive glasses
or being pulled out to sea by the undertow
I drive my red Prius across the field
the Earth’s maw wants to eat it.
You are coming over tonight
we will kiss on my sofa
until our lips
are swollen
like ripe bruised fruit.

Copyright 2024 by Susan Notar

Susan Notar is a Pushcart prize nominated poet.  She has flown over Iraq wearing body armor and makes a mean beurre blanc sauce.  Her work has appeared in numerous publications including Artemis, Burningword, Burgeon, the Bridgeville Review, the Forgotten River, Joys of the Table, Alianza Latina Antolgia de Poemas, and Written in Arlington,.  She works at the U.S. Department of Justice helping victims of terrorist attacks.

30 for 30 is sponsored by Potomac Review

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