Kitty Templeton

Last night I dreamt of:

A New York City apartment
Unfinished with doors and window panes propped open
and nails strewn about
We were roommates, once again like we
were in college
So much hope to get the apartment done
but it remained unfinished…

A car dealer, selling me a car
He needed to reach a quota
but I never bought
The dealer would be shut down if not
enough cars were sold
Gotta get that quota in…

A ride from I’m not sure where
But we were to be taken out of there
In an open top bus
And the rest is just a blur
As my brain tries to retrace my steps
of a dream
wafting away
as I awaken
to consciousness
and the possibilities
of a new day

Copyright 2024 by Madeleine “Kitty” Templeton

Madeleine “Kitty” Templeton is a musician/ author/ poet in the Washington DC community. She was a former chair of the Poets on the Green Line, and author of the book Understanding Socialism. Kitty has 3 musical albums including Soul Coffee, Spirit in the Snow, and The Music in Me. Now she is currently writing Understanding the Dangers of Socialism for Students and hopes to publish. Her website is:

30 for 30 is sponsored by Potomac Review

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