Luisa A. Igloria

The World, like a Lover, Asks for Another Chance   

From under the banyan where a holy man 
      delivered the sermon Bhagavad Gita;
to trains bearing refugees safely across 
      borders, away from fallen towns. Imagine 
what it takes to bear a body in the sea, 
      the Salish waters silent and stillborn-blue  
where an orca rocked her calf seventeen days
      until she finally let it go. No road 
is hard as that underfoot, no history
      so difficult as that which asks such tributes 
—yet the world promises it will never leave. 

Copyright 2022 Luisa A. Igloria
This work is the sole property and authorship of Luisa A. Igloria, and may not be reproduced, copied, or circulated except with permission.


Luisa A. Igloria is the 20th Poet Laureate of the Commonwealth of Virginia. She teaches on the faculty of the MFA Creative Writing Program at Old Dominion University, and at the Muse Writers Center.

30 for 30 is sponsored by Potomac Review

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2 Responses to Luisa A. Igloria

  1. Fortini says:

    A lovely poem. Thanks for sharing.

  2. A tour de force. Such layered lyrical clarity.

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