Hiram Larew: A Poet Fighting Hunger & Food Insecurity

Hiram Larew is known to many of you. Here is a profile I did which just came out on DCTrending.


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2 Responses to Hiram Larew: A Poet Fighting Hunger & Food Insecurity

  1. Many thanks to you Mike and always to Hiram…all this time I’ve known you, and I never knew about the entomology! And a lifetime of studying ETYMOLOGY, too! Words, words, words. A love for humanity and words.

  2. Yes, Hiram Larew is everything we see here, and then some. There’s no stopping him. His dedication to poetry, combined with his work in social justice and science, makes him stand out, over and above even taller than he is, which is a considerable height. Well done, Mike and Hiram. Thank you.

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