Cathy Hailey

Dionysian Dreamscape 

Meander along a geometric path.
Tetrahedrons sprout from rectangular prisms, 
each triangular side equilateral.
Enter this abstract fantasy world, follow
curvilinear lines, concentric circles, 
a natural purple geode agate slice.
Skate the coping, drop in to an amethyst
geode bowl with wheels designed to navigate
the topography of amethyst crystals
and still maintain the momentum to launch a
fly out and land clean on polished purple stone.

Copyright 2022 by Cathy Hailey


Cathy Hailey is Northern Region Vice President of The Poetry Society Virginia and organizes In the Company of Laureates. Her chapbook, I’d Rather Be a Hyacinth, is forthcoming in 2023. She was a Skateboard Mom in another life.

30 for 30 is sponsored by Potomac Review

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2 Responses to Cathy Hailey

  1. Joan Dobbie says:

    These are a daily pleasure! This poem feels like it could be ekphrastic… made out of a painting. And once I figure out all the words I think I’ll have a grander yet experience. The poem is worth many readings, much skating around the geometric world of magic. Thank you, Cathy.

  2. Hi, Cathy! I must have missed a step when I thought I posted my response to this adventurous poem. I love the risks you take with diction here, making poetry out of such technical and polysyllabic language. I’m not sure about the last line as a clarifying pay-off, but this is such a fresh, bold piece.

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