Blackbird’s Red Wing- Janet Leahy

May 2020

The COVID-19 Pandemic storms through
large cities—careens down main street
in villages and towns.  It wants to move in
with the family on the corner, to claim
the grandfather and his son who  works
in the meat-processing plant.  On Park Street
it takes the child of five, and her mother,
a nurse.  Grief sows the garden, sits on
the empty swing  and on the side rails
of the slide, where the child’s hands held on.
We sit under the willow weeping,.
The robin seems not to notice the changes,
yet he misses the nuts the white-haired man
always put in the feeder.  He calls his “cheer-up”
call but the man  does not part the lace curtain
to look out, does not sit on the porch in
the rocker that squeaks,  does not walk
down the drive with his cane, to get the mail.
The man does not look at the nest, built
alongside his bedroom window . . .
built where he could see it.
We sit under the willow weeping.
The willow is just coming into spring,
at sunset the blackbird’s red wing still
flashes.  Hospitals order more body bags,
freezer trucks hold the dead.  It is a time
to lock memories deep into the chambers
of the heart, the ache of memories stitched
to another time, nothing is the same
as before.  Nothing is the same as before. 
I know not how to proceed other than
to write another poem.
The willow weeps. 
Copyright 2020 Janet Leahy


Janet is a member of the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets. She has published two collections of poetry and is working on a new book of witness poems.  She lives in New Berlin, Wi.

Donation Appeal:

Throughout June and July, we will be presenting on this web site work by poets and artists responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope you will find these works relevant, comforting and inspiring as we all cope with the economic and health-related fallout.

As you view the work on this site each day, we would like to encourage you to donate to the Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC). Their mission “ is to feed our neighbors in need by providing dignified access to supplemental groceries. AFAC is seeing a record number of families due to the COVID-19 pandemic as families who never thought they would ever be in need are now showing up at our doors for much needed food.”  And, in keeping with our hunger-focused efforts, you may also want to visit the Poetry X Hunger website where poems by many poets are posted and are being used by anti-hunger organizations.”

Throughout June and July, we will be presenting on this web site work by poets and artists responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope you will find these works relevant, comforting and inspiring as we all cope with the economic and health-related fallout.

Please consider donating to AFAC. If you do, let us know which poet or artist inspired you so we can send you a personal thank you.

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