Alice Mergler

ACT I  Scene I: An open Place. Thunder and Lightning. Enter three witches.

1 Witch. When shall we three meet again
In thunder, lightning, or in rain?
2 Witch. When next the Corona Experts speak
We’ll pretend to be reporters and sit at their feet.
3 Witch. That will be today the set of sun
They will tell of when this virus its course has run.
ACT I Scene III - Pennsylvania Avenue

Trump. So foul and fair a day, I have not seen.
I’m sick of this daily useless scene
Pence. What are these,
So withered, and so wild in their attire,
Trump.They must be from NBC or CNN.
of them I am so wearily tired.

Pence.  Each at once her chappy finger rising
trying to trick you-not so surprising.
Trump. Speak, but only one of you can.
1 Witch. All Hail, Trump! hail to thee, Impeached I believe
 but pretending you know how to stop this virus
2 Witch. Yet you never, no never will ever inspire us!
3 Witch. So tell us more lies you’ve prepared for today
or skip it, for we already know what you’re going to say.
Pence. My noble partner you greet with vicious grace
You should each get up and exit this place.
Witch 1. Hail! We will exit when we decide, enjoying
watching you trying to save your hide.
Witch 2. Hail! Lesser than Biden you soon will be.
Witch 3. We’ll boil extra toads and dance with Glee!
Trump. Get out damned spots my wife soon will say!
Witch 3. Hey! We were just leaving anyway!

Copyright 2020 Alice Mergler


Alice Mergler moved to Prince William County with her husband and five sons in 1975 and taught English and language Arts for 24 years here. She helped to judge the first Prince William County Poet Laureate Challenge, after which she, along with those who applied and did not win, formed The Prince William Poet Laureate Circle which has been active since 2014. John Dutton’s project submission for that contest was “Spilled Ink.” He has been our Circle Champion!

Donation Appeal:

Throughout June and July, we will be presenting on this web site work by poets and artists responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope you will find these works relevant, comforting and inspiring as we all cope with the economic and health-related fallout.

As you view the work on this site each day, we would like to encourage you to donate to the Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC). Their mission “ is to feed our neighbors in need by providing dignified access to supplemental groceries. AFAC is seeing a record number of families due to the COVID-19 pandemic as families who never thought they would ever be in need are now showing up at our doors for much needed food.”  And, in keeping with our hunger-focused efforts, you may also want to visit the Poetry X Hunger website where poems by many poets are posted and are being used by anti-hunger organizations.”

Throughout June and July, we will be presenting on this web site work by poets and artists responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope you will find these works relevant, comforting and inspiring as we all cope with the economic and health-related fallout.

Please consider donating to AFAC. If you do, let us know which poet or artist inspired you so we can send you a personal thank you.

If you send a donation, please let us know.

And thank you for your visit and your generosity.

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