A Letter from InkWELL

Greetings InkWELLers,

I don’t know about you, but I am still trying to process the revolting tragedy that took place at Rob Elementary School in Uvalde, TX.  On May 24th, an 18-year-old teen fatally shot 19 students and two teachers leaving 17 others wounded.  This tragedy leaves a school to try and rebuild a sense of safety for its teachers and students, families to navigate the weight of grief, communities riddled with loss, and most of all surviving children to contend with the horrific aftermath of trauma.  

There is a lot to be done in our country regarding gun laws, school safety, and mental health.  I encourage you to “get involved” because these concerns affect us all whether you know someone directly impacted by Uvalde or not.  But this is not meant to be a political email; rather it is a call to help heal the heart of a student, teacher, and/or family affected by the tragedy in Uvalde.  While a poem, encouraging words, or warm greetings cannot erase what happened that fatal Tuesday morning, it can certainly add salve to a deep wound.

The InkWELL is joining Beauty Time, Inc in their Letters to TX campaign in which individuals are asked to write a kind note to a student/teacher of Uvalde, TX.  Beauty Time, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to building and developing young ladies with leadership skills and high self-esteem.  The InkWELL wants to help Beauty Time, Inc. spread love and send Letters to TX.

So, I am asking all of our subscribers – that’s YOU – to write a letter, a poem, or a simple note to a teacher, student or family. Write from your heart. Speak of hope and love.  Be optimistic. Keep it positive and uplifting. Remind them that they are thought of and that they are loved.  

Please follow these directions when sending:

  1. Put your FIRST NAME ONLY
  2. Put your Grade, Occupation, or Role
  3. Put who your letter is for – To: STUDENT, TEACHER, or FAMILY
  4. Type your letter in a google or word document
  5. Send a separate email (DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS EMAIL) to dothewritething2022@gmail.comand put “Letters to Texas” in the subject line.
  6. Feel free to send your letters as soon as today.  You can also send more than one. We will be receiving letters through July 2022. 

Thank you in advance for using your pen (keyboard) for good!

Creatively at your service, 

Dinahsta “Miss Kiane Thomas, MSW

Founder & Chair





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One Response to A Letter from InkWELL

  1. MaryJo says:

    great idea, Mike. Thank you.

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