La Guerra è Pace/La Guerra e Pace

In September, 2022, I traveled to Naples, Italy to produce and direct my performance piece “La Guerra è Pace/La Guerra e Pace, an anti-war work inspired by the current conflict in Ukraine. The story, however, is about all wars and their effect on the human condition. At the same time, “La Guerra è Pace/La Guerra e Pace”is an examination of the phenomenon of disinformation which is currently infecting our daily discourse.

In addition to my presence in the piece, “La Guerra è Pace/La Guerra e Pace” featured Gianfranco Capolla on the cello, Vania Fereshetian, actress, director and screenwriter, Pina Panico Salemme, poet and actress, and poet Angelo Corella.

Working on this project with such a talented group of performers was an extremely rewarding experience – -an experiment, in itself, of cross-Atlantic, cross-cultural collaboration. We worked initially over WhatsApp and then, later, in person. The piece, itself, was written and presented in both English and Italian.

I’m pleased to say that, after all our hard work, “La Guerra è Pace/La Guerra e Pace” was well-received by our audience.

My thanks and deepest appreciation go to Angelo, Vania, Pina and Gianfranco for believing and for their invaluable work, ideas and talent. A note of thanks also to author Clemy Scognamiglio without whose help this piece would never have hit the stage and to my Italian teacher, fiction writer Luca Serra, who introduced me to her and who prepared me for my Italian immersion.

Thanks also to Antonella Manganelli and Grazie Montalto and all at Art4Us for their hard work and for making this possible.

Here are some of the images from the performance.

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Napoli 2022

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Art4Us Itinerant

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Art4Us Napoli

In September, I will be traveling to Naples, Italy as part of the Art4Us exhibit to be held September 12-18 at L’Asilo Filangieri where I will be producing and directing my anti-war performance piece La Guerra è Pace/La Guerra e Pace featuring poets Angelo Colella, Pina Panico Salemme, actress Vania Fereshetian and cellist Gianfranco Coppola.

Stay tuned.

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Call for Proposals

The Poetry Society of Virginia, one of the oldest poetry organizations in the country, will be celebrating its 100th anniversary in May 2023. A four-day conference with the theme of Voices of Virginia will be held in Richmond and will highlight the diversity of Virginia’s cultural makeup.

The Poetry Society is seeking proposals for readings and workshops to commemorate our centennial and to recognize and celebrate our rich cultural heritage. For more information and to submit a proposal, check out our Call for Proposals on Submittable.

Thank you.

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Tonight at 7 PM EST

Email for the Zoom Link.

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A Letter from InkWELL

Greetings InkWELLers,

I don’t know about you, but I am still trying to process the revolting tragedy that took place at Rob Elementary School in Uvalde, TX.  On May 24th, an 18-year-old teen fatally shot 19 students and two teachers leaving 17 others wounded.  This tragedy leaves a school to try and rebuild a sense of safety for its teachers and students, families to navigate the weight of grief, communities riddled with loss, and most of all surviving children to contend with the horrific aftermath of trauma.  

There is a lot to be done in our country regarding gun laws, school safety, and mental health.  I encourage you to “get involved” because these concerns affect us all whether you know someone directly impacted by Uvalde or not.  But this is not meant to be a political email; rather it is a call to help heal the heart of a student, teacher, and/or family affected by the tragedy in Uvalde.  While a poem, encouraging words, or warm greetings cannot erase what happened that fatal Tuesday morning, it can certainly add salve to a deep wound.

The InkWELL is joining Beauty Time, Inc in their Letters to TX campaign in which individuals are asked to write a kind note to a student/teacher of Uvalde, TX.  Beauty Time, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to building and developing young ladies with leadership skills and high self-esteem.  The InkWELL wants to help Beauty Time, Inc. spread love and send Letters to TX.

So, I am asking all of our subscribers – that’s YOU – to write a letter, a poem, or a simple note to a teacher, student or family. Write from your heart. Speak of hope and love.  Be optimistic. Keep it positive and uplifting. Remind them that they are thought of and that they are loved.  

Please follow these directions when sending:

  1. Put your FIRST NAME ONLY
  2. Put your Grade, Occupation, or Role
  3. Put who your letter is for – To: STUDENT, TEACHER, or FAMILY
  4. Type your letter in a google or word document
  5. Send a separate email (DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS EMAIL) to dothewritething2022@gmail.comand put “Letters to Texas” in the subject line.
  6. Feel free to send your letters as soon as today.  You can also send more than one. We will be receiving letters through July 2022. 

Thank you in advance for using your pen (keyboard) for good!

Creatively at your service, 

Dinahsta “Miss Kiane Thomas, MSW

Founder & Chair



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Reading This Sunday from Let’s Call It Paradise

Sunday, June 5
Evil Grin — poetry reading via Zoom video conference
Mike Maggio
PLUS poetry open mic!
Your maximum is 2 poems or 5 minutes, whichever takes less time. Time
permitting, we will have another round in which you may again read (one).
<begin bio>
Mike Maggio has published fiction, poetry, travel and reviews in many
local, national and international publications including Potomac Review,
The L.A. Weekly, The Washington CityPaper, The Washington Independent
Review of Books and others. His full-length poetry publications include
Your Secret Is Safe With Me, (Black Bear Publications, 1988), Oranges
From Palestine (Mardi Gras Press, 1996),  deMOCKracy (Plain View Press,
2007) and Garden of Rain (Aldrich Press, 2015 ).  His newest collection,
Let’s Call It Paradise was released in 2022 by San Francisco Bay Press.
He is a graduate of George Mason University’s MFA program in Poetry and
his web site is
<end bio>
Use of Zoom’s “Raise Hand” function will be required if you wish to get
in line for an open mic segment (Usually the list is split into two
halves, with other proceeding in between.).
You may get in line as soon as you join the meeting, if you wish.
About “Raise Hand”:
The following instructions were written 2/1/21.  Please let me know if
something has changed.  On a desktop/laptop computer, Raise Hand is
under the “Reactions” menu.
On a hand-held device, it is under the “More” menu.
If you don’t see the menus mentioned above, tap your screen or move your
mouse, and they should appear.
We are not taking signups by email or Facebook. Just get on the Zoom and
do the hand-raise.
Here is the link:
Meeting ID: 856 7232 6511
Passcode: 407361
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,85672326511#,,,,*407361# US (Washington DC)
+19292056099,,85672326511#,,,,*407361# US (New York)
Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 856 7232 6511
Passcode: 407361
Find your local number:
<—this is a first Sundays event—>

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Pandemic Poems on NVR


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Fundraising Appeal

As many of you know, I have worked over the years to help promote not only poetry but poets and other creative individuals (actors, musicians, artists, students). I have done this through my web site, through performances and events which I have organized and produced as well as through readings and other events which I have instigated over the years.  Some of these include:

  • The annual 30 for 30 poetry challenge, held each year in April during National Poetry Month, in which I host poets from all over the country and from all over the word. Thank you to the hundreds of individuals who have participated.
  • The COVID 19 Project in which I hosted poets and visual artists responding to the pandemic and which we used to raise money for a local food bank. Thank you to the poets and artists who participated and to (Cecilia Mencia and Norah Vawter_ for featuring us).
  • Performance pieces such as cloudism and Music for Mummies, performed at the now-defunct Soundry and at the Capital Fringe Fest (Thank you Graham Pilato, Allison Clapp Fuentes and Tina Hughes. Thank you also Steven Allen May)
  • Cloudism: The Exhibit at the Waddell Gallery at Northern Virginia Community College in which the exhibit was whatever you wanted it to be and, as a result, changed from day to day. This involved artists such as Ceci Cole Mcinturff, Matt Pinney and others. Thank you all.
  • Collaborations such as Springtime in Winter in which we brought together poets, artists,
    composers and high school musicians. This was done in collaboration with Reston Art Gallery and Studios (thank you Pat MacIntyre), Herndon High School (thank you Bette Gawinski) and George Mason University (thank you Jesse Guessford). Local composer and musician Brain Scarbrough also participated (thank you Brian) and we ended up with a book of poetry and artwork as well as a CD of the original music performed by our student musicians. This was a great opportunity for our high school students.
  • A poetry contest at Herndon Middle School in which the winners were featured on Hotline with Dennis Price on Fairfax Public Radio (thank you Dennis).
  • Peace and Identify, a collaboration with Antonella Manganelli ,which featured artists from the Reston League of Artists, poets from the Poetry Society of Virginia and, again, high school students and budding musicians. Thank you all.
  • A collaboration with the Reston Chorale which featured poets from the Poetry Society of Virginia.

The list goes on. I have had judges who have judged my 30 for 30 and Potomac Review has been kind enough to donate a free subscription each year to the individual chosen as the winner (thank you John Wang).

All of this was made possible by the generous participation of all involved, none of whom got paid and none of whom expected compensation. Nonetheless, my guilt abounds (12 years of Catholic school?), and creators of all stripes need to get paid and make a living.

Therefore, I have created two fundraising mechanisms and ask for your kind generosity to support:

  1. A GoFundMe Page ( in which you can make a one-time contribution


  1. A Patreon Page ( in which you can become a patron and commit on a monthly basis.

The money raised will be used to help maintain my web site, so that I can continue showcasing poets, as well as for upcoming performances and events, such as “La Guerra è Pace/La Guerra e Pace,”  a performance piece I am putting together for an event in Naples, Italy this September. I want to recruit poets and performers and to be able to pay them.

If you can contribute, I will be eternally grateful. If you cannot (and I know many of you cannot) I would be eternally grateful if you would share this appeal with your networks.

Thank you, again, for taking the time to read this and for all the support you have given me over the years.

Best wishes,


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