Michele Evans

nocturne en plein air

islanded by nightfall,
she forages for questions without answers
under a canopy embroidered in stars,
a balsamic moon lanterns her
silhouette's steps along winding footpaths
blanketed in evergreen and spruce..

so careful not to leave a trail of crumbs
this time for animals, two or four
legged, she shrouds her hollow eyes
with a hood in sweatshirt grey,
a unisex alternative to classic fleece,
a red herring for the pack lurking,
still lying in wait, ready to huff and puff
and blow their privilege down on her.

when the ghost butterflies swarm,
forming a halo above the sleepwalker,
flickers of light threaten her anonymity
from the bandwagon of bards with fangs
for keystrokes, wholly intent on eclipsing
her persona, a portrait of truth
with more tall tales, fables, and lies.

Copyright 2024 by Michele Evans

Michele Evans, a fifth-generation Washingtonian (D.C.), is a writer, high school English teacher, and adviser for her school’s literary magazine. Despite always wearing the color black, she is fond of blueberries, blue hydrangeas, blues musicians, and Blue Mountain coffee. purl, her debut collection of poetry, is forthcoming from Finishing Line Press in 2025. You can find her at awordsmithie.com or @awordsmithie on Instagram.

30 for 30 is sponsored by Potomac Review

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6 Responses to Michele Evans

  1. Jo Balistreri says:

    A wonderful poem, beautiful language and profound.

  2. Amy Strong says:

    Love all the fables woven through. Feels modern and ancient at once!

  3. Lucy Koons says:

    I was intrigued by the balsamic moon reference and had to look it up. Each stanza is thought-provoking, and the imagery is strong.

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