Speaking of Love: A Poetry Seminar and Workshop

In celebration of my forthcoming book, A Brief Gazelle: Poems of Love and Grief,  I am offering an online seminar and workshop called  Speaking of Love: Love Poetry Across the Ages. This course will explore poetry dealing with love, in its many manifestations, through a series of lectures, readings, discussions and workshops. Participants will read and discuss poems, from the past up to the present, that relate to the subject of love in order to get a grounding for the different approaches to love poetry.

Topics will include:

  • What constitutes a love poem? 
  • Why write love poems?
  • Are love poems only about love? 

Participants will be assigned weekly exercises and will write at least one love poem which will be critiqued  and discussed by the other poets.

Sessions will be held online on six Sundays beginning in September.

  • Cost: $225
  • Format: Online
  • Session length: 2 hours per session from 10-12 EST
  • Dates: Sept 8, 15, 22, 29, Oct 6 and 13
  • Limit 10 poets

For more information or to register, contact mikemaggio@mikemaggio.net


Mike Maggio is an assistant adjunct professor at Northern Virginia Community College, an associate editor at Potomac Review, and a graduate of George Mason University’s MFA program in Creative Writing  His latest collection of poetry, Let’s Call It Paradise, won the International Book Award for Contemporary Poetry in 2023. His newest collection, A Brief Gazelle: Poems of Love and Grief. is forthcoming from San Francisco Bay Press. His publication credits include fiction, poetry, travel and reviews in many local, national and international publications including Potomac Review, The L.A. Weekly, The Washington CityPaper, and The Washington Independent Review of Books. His full-length fiction publications include a novel, The Wizard and the White House (Little Feather Books, 2014), a novella, The Appointment (Vine Leaves Press, 2017), and a collection of short stories, Letters from Inside (Vine Leaves Press, 2019). His web site is www.mikemaggio.net.

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  1. Pingback: Now Accepting Enrollment for Love Poetry Workshop - Mike Maggio

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