Help Make My Fiction Publisher Happy

Help make my fiction publisher happy by driving up sales of my books, The Appointment  and Letters From Inside.  

The Appointment is a “contemporary tale of alienation, bureaucracy and merciless academia”.  The novella’s protagonist, Professor Withers, has been compared to Tolstoy’s Ivan Ilyich and Kafka’s K.

Letters from Inside is a collection of short stories that has been praised for its “undulating ripples of deep and careful prose,” and it includes “Suddenly, There Was Harold” which has been called a masterpiece.

Books makes great Christmas gifts and, best of all, you don’t have to worry about supply chain issues. So support contemporary authors and small presses by purchasing a book or two. And don’t forget to refer your friends and relatives. And be sure to check out the other great titles at Vine Leaves Press.

Thanks and Happy Holidays!

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Publishing Panel Recording

Here is a link to last night’s publishing panel with Rich Follett and myself:

The passcode is: 20&G%Fwg

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Publishing Panel 8 PM EST Tonight

Join me, Michal Mahgerefteh and Rich Follett for a discussion on how to publish your poetry.

Use this link to join on Zoom:

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Sponsored by the Poetry Society of Virginia

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The Book of Form and Emptiness – A Review

Here’s my latest review in Washington Independent Review of Books — a review of The Book of Form and Emptiness by Ruth Ozeki. Read t. Then read the book.

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cloudism redux

In the last couple of months, I’ve been going through my extensive collection of books and files, all of which will eventually be donated to George Mason University’s library. One of the items I came across was a CD which contained photos and text related to cloudism, a performance piece that made its debut on June 10, 2010 at the Poetry Lab at the now-defunct Soundry in Vienna. Virginia. Thanks to Steve Allen May, the piece found the light of day. Or, maybe I should say, the night sky.

cloudism was a happening. It was a mind piece. It had its roots in fluxus.

Think John Cage.

Think Yoko Ono.

It was first conceived while I was an MFA student at Mason. But it would not have been totally realized without the input of two incredible individuals: Graham Pilato and Allison Clapp Fuentes. Together, we fleshed out the elements of the performance into a happening that no one, including ourselves, could have anticipated, especially those who came to what they thought would be just an ordinary poetry reading. But that’s just what a happening is: unpredictable. A performance in which anything can occur.

One of the major elements of the piece was a cello. Tina Hughes, our cellist, was given simple instructions: play the sound of sky. Instructions not as simple as they seemed. But sky was demanded and sky was played.

And so, as the saying goes, the sky was the limit. And to there did we go.

cloudism eventually made its way to the Capital Fringe Festival and then, later, to the Waddell Gallery at Northern Virginia Community College where it is was transformed into an interactive exhibit. Another happening where anything and everything did happen.

Eleven years later, cloudism lives on, if only in electronic form, And so I’d like to share what I found (yes, cloudism is now a collection of found objects) hidden in an overcrowded bookcase, waiting to be see the blue rays of your electronic device.

Here they are. And here. and here

Can you hear the sound of sky?

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Peter Campbell-Kelly, a violinist with the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra in Birmingham, England, recently shared this beautiful film with me:

The piece is a passacaglia by Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber and is performed by Campbell-Kelly himself.

His message to me was accompanied by this poem which he wrote in response to the music:

In his email, Peter said of the film: “It is a sort of musical prayer, intended somehow for the well-being of all of us, in this desperately difficult pandemic.”

Of the poem, I would add the same: it is a poignant prayer in our collective time of need.

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For All You Russofiles

Here’s my latest book review: a review of Love Like Water, Love Like Fire.

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A Poetry Reading Sponsored by The Poetry Society of Virginia

Please join me on Sunday, June 13 at 2 PM EST for a reading with Katherine E. Young, Kim B. Miller, Katherine Gotthardt and Farin Powell.

Join Via Zoom:
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A Reading from Let’s Call It Paradise

On April 25th, I gave a reading at the River Road Reading Series in Eugene, Oregon via Zoom. Here is a recording of that reading.

Let’s Call It Paradise will be released in the coming weeks by San Francisco Bay Press. In the meantime, you can get a preview of the book from this video. Enjoy.

Thank you Joan Dobbie for inviting me to read.


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A Poem by Adefeyintola Adesegun

What Do You See

 We grew more than our age
 And it happened so fast,
 Within a blink of an eye
 A quick second.
 Before we had toys and video games
 Now it had become shrapnels,
 Of the grenades that sounds
 Like a firework,
 Only it wasn't of joy
 It held our voices of pain
 And grief till death.
 We once had roofs over our heads
 Where mama and papa blessed
 And sanctified us with their sweats
 It was in the foods and the smile
 On their beautiful faces.
 That was a dream long lost
 Only in imagination,
 For we are down under rubies
 Broken bones and a sea of blood
 Mama is covered with scars
 That I only saw in horror movies
 And papa!! My sweet papa
 Was literally only a figure head
 His body in pieces like meat
 At the butcher house.
 They said it will be okay
 We will keep you safe
 But they are living in memories
 Inside my heart,
 I am shaving my head with a stick
 For tomorrow! I will raise my flag
 And close my eyes
 ©️ 2021 Adefeyintola Adesegun


Adefeyintola Adesegun is a Philosophy student of University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria. She is a poet and the author of a collection of poems.

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