Land of the Dead

Land of the Dead
by Joan Dobbie

What once was a homeland
is now just a grey heap of
stone, rubble and blood

the stench of dead flesh
hangs in the air
making even the smallest

life giving breath
hard to bear …

Dead men and dead women
lie under the rubble

Dead children … in pieces
their small twisted bodies
crushed under stone

…dead animals too…

feathers and fur
mix in with
the dead human flesh

Dead Mothers
	Dead Aunties Dead Uncles
Dead Fathers Dead Brothers: 

These men who
once kneeled before ALLAH
or bowed under Y-W-E-H

or whispered a Christian prayer

who sometimes played chess
in the cool midnight streets 
with their neighbors

are lost in a rubble
of stone, glass, and 
dead flesh

As for the ones left alive:
They struggle through
night & day horror, 

bent under 
monstrous boulders of grief
their blood burns with hatred

As for the dead:

Copyright 2023 by Joan Dobbie

Joan Dobbie is the daughter of Jewish Holocaust survivors who made it into Switzerland after Kristalnacht as literal “wetbacks.”  She and one older sister, Ellie, were born in Switzerland, but without citizenship. Eventually her family made it to America to a small town in Northern New York, where her father was the only doctor for 40 years, and where her two younger siblings were born. Joan’s parents were good people who taught against hatred of any sort. To this day, although he died in 1989, townsfolk remember the many lives her father saved, as well as her mother’s dynamic and loving community spirit. Joan is grateful that her parents do not have to see what is happening in the middle east today. Their hearts would be broken.

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