Dave Lego


I am sleeping lightly
on a Sunday afternoon
vague jazz on the radio
with a world drum beat.

I drift, in content calm
into deepening darkness
A low voice beckons me
"What is your name?"

"I'm Kunta Kinte, an
American from The Bronx" I say.

I sense a looming circle
around me of others, intent
in stare, grim in outlook.

"No," the voice warns "your
name is Smith, Winston Smith."

"My name is Kunta" I start,
"No, your name is Winston Smith;
you live in Oceania. Say it."

"I was born in Virginia" I say, adding
"I now live in The Bronx."

"Your name is Winston Smith;
you live in Oceania. SAY IT!"

The circle is closing, surrounding.
"SAY IT!" rasps the voice.

"I'm a reasonable man."

"I work for The Truth Ministry" I say.
"I AM The Truth!" growls reply.

"Who are you?

Dave Lego lives on the coast of Oceania and dreams of national mediocrity, that being a step up from the current state of affairs…no, seriously. 🤨

30 for 30 is sponsored by Potomac Review

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One Response to Dave Lego

  1. Joan Dobbie says:

    I love it!!! Original and marvelous concept.

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