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Category Archives: 30 for 30 Poetry Celebration
Marianne Szlyk
Maskless in Dallas, A Dream from 2020My parents are riding a tour buspast mansions, universities,museums of the last Old Masters.They visit a historic housethat is smaller and not quite as oldas the ones back East.My parents avoid downtown,Dealy Plaza, the … Continue reading
Rich Follett
Mirrorin the other-world of dreamsdeath is birthlove returns andstanding stillone flies pain is pleasuresadness beckons joy andgrief is an endless celebration … is it any wonder thenthatwakingi dream of dreams?Copyright 2924 by Rich Follett Rich Follett, the Poet Laureate of … Continue reading
Susan Notar
The Earth, Sea, Ripe FruitThe field is parched and crackedAugust angry cornstalkssplitting open the earth’s mawmerciless blue skybut we swim in a grey angry seathe roar of the surf in our ears like sirensthe seagulls mock us in the chill … Continue reading
Joy Martin
Beyond UnderstandingAbandonment mingles with painwhen my two friends suddenly disappearwithout sharing with me their plans.My pace, deliberate. Theirs, too fast.They’re visible ahead but I can’t catch up. While climbing the stairs, someone pusheshard into my back because I am too … Continue reading
Mario Badino
The building is wide and talland tension crawls along. Discarded objectslay all around, neglected, hitting my eyes and thoughtsas if forgotten ages. I go – a moving walkwayleads me forward, unwilling. I walk through the dark cellars,a long, underground corridor. … Continue reading
Susan Scheid
Tornado a destructive vortex of violent rotating windsOutside is brightwith grey green light.Sky is black with mountains of clouds.A siren pierceslike an arrow of sounddissolves in thick air.Pressure pounds — blood,skin, even hair feels it.Something might explode.There is a gathering.Feel … Continue reading
Jennifer Keith
THE RESORT (a recurring dream) Come in and sit down in the coffee-stain brown conference room of the hotel in paradise. Welcome! This won’t take too long. Out the window you see the beach that you came for, the sparkling … Continue reading
Joan Dobbie
DREAM FALLINGI’m falling furiously fastand yet in slow motiondown down down out of the highest heavensfar above the clouds infinitely fast and yet timelessly present(like it might well have been forthose desperate World Trade Center jumpers who tumbledand flew without … Continue reading
Sylvia “Ladi Di” Beverly
Family Artsy Empire Tranquil Heavenly blue skiesTwinkling sparkling celestial stars.Let’s get on with spectacular show, something for everyone.Lights, camera action!Everyone in talented family is happy as can be.Hearts filled with happiness and phenomenal glee.Family Artsy Empire is formed by God … Continue reading
Kathy Cable Smaltz
I Dreamed of Home…dirt road of rutted red clay leading past overgrown fields, tobacco barn, beyond trees posted, “No Trespassing.”My dream of home so real: red brick, white columns, wide porchwe sat on in profligate thunderstorms, sky dark, emptying,the only … Continue reading