Announcing the Release of Let’s Call It Paradise

After the long wait, I am pleased to announce that Let’s Call It Paradise has, at last, been released.

Let’s Call It Paradise is a poetry collection that looks at society through the lens of consumerism. With its postmodern approach, its use of collage, erasure and visual verse, the poems bring to light aspects of our society we might not otherwise see.

Here’s what’s being said about the Let’s Call It Paradise:

“Unforgettable, honest, brilliant, and to the point,” – Robert P. Arthur, author of Disclosures, Collected Poems of Robert P. Arthur and Aswim in Gaea

“Carnivalesque and manic. Be prepared to be surprised. Whatever limits you have put on the possibilities of poetry, Maggio’s poems exceed them.” –  Eric Pankey, Professor of English, Heritage Chair in Writing, George Mason University.

“Mike Maggio is a master craftsman. These poems are adventures. Maggio juxtaposes language in ways that break into new energies.” – Grace Cavalieri, Maryland Poet Laureate.

“A fun-house full of mirrors reflecting on the way we live today. [Maggio’s] book extends the boundaries of what we normally think of as poetry in order to amuse, startle and enlighten.”  – Henry Hart, Mildred and J.B. Hickman Professor of English and Humanities, College of William & Mary

“Mike Maggio’s new book looks at our current America with sardonic humor and unresigned hope. In this terrific, often funny book, we are asked to face our creation.” – Jennifer Atkinson, author of The Thinking Eye.

“All chopped copy, cerebral glitch, and the damned desire for a world not like this, Maggio’s poems can be fiercely political, fiercely funny, and wonderfully weird.” – Joe Hall, author of Someone’s Utopia.

Let’s Call It Paradise is available from San Francisco Bay Press, your favorite online book store or directly from the author.

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