After The Beheading (for Lee Rigby)

This poem was originally written in response to the murder of American journalist Daniel Pearl in Pakistan. I present it here in memory of Lee Rigby, the British soldier who was brutally murdered this week in London.

After the Beheading

What they did
they did
in the name of god

in the name of god

as long
as I have
or tongue
or hand
I will not remain silent

in the name of god
the godless
what they did

and the world quaked

what god
could create
such acts
in the name of
such men

what god

they did
what they did

in the name of god

not spit nor brass
shall glorify them

no god
shall pull asunder
what god has rendered

no man
shall render god
in what they do

for god
in his magic
will render godless
in all their godliness
no godlier
that what they did
in his magic wisdom
will render
on this horrid, bloodless day

in the name of god

on this day
no god
shall remain
holier than thou
on this day
no god
shall remain

in the name of god
I do hereby swear

©Mike Maggio 2013

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