A Poem for Leukemia


Behind every spleen is an army:
villous or follicular
spreading out over the entire battlefield.
A degenerative quadrant of multiple loops
multiple troops marching remarkably.
A remarkable echotexture, unquestionably alive.

The question to be answered then
regarding this conflict
this landscape we call biology
this battle between the Red
and the White:
What cardinal comparison approximately

can be had between a tumor
and a lesion.
From whence came
this foreign legion
this lethal militia
upon you,

my proliferative warrior
my unflinching, my unsparing unvanquished soldier.

Copyright 2012, 2025 Mike Maggio
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4 Responses to A Poem for Leukemia

  1. Mary Jo Balistreri says:

    Grace has said it well. A courageous poem, a tender poem.

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