Space Still Available for Poetry Workshop

Space is still available for the poetry workshop I am offering duringthe coming weeks. We have four participants as of now, and there is room for six more.

Here’s what we will be doing:

  •  We will read selected poems and discuss the poetics involved. We will focus on how the prosody of the poems informs their meaning.
  • Participants will write a poem each week based on specific assignments related to our discussions of prosody.
  • Each poem will be critiqued by me.
  •  Participants will critique each other’s poems in writing and send back to the participant.
  • Each week, we will workshop the poems that were written by the participants. This will be a live discussion.
  • We will concentrate on elements of prosody. Regareding this, there will be some targeted discussions on prosody (metrics, imagery, anaphora, etc.).
  • All sessions will be held online
  • Tentative start date: October 20 (days and time TBD)
  • Cost: $300

 For more information or to sign up, email me at

I look forward to your participation.


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Poetry Workshop

I am now accepting participants for an upcoming poetry workshop to be held online. The workshop will consist of short lectures as well as discussion on prosody, weekly assignments, personal critiques of everyone’s work as well as by the other workshop participants and in -depth discussion of everyone’s work.

The workshop is limited to 10 participants will meet weekly for one and a half hours (time and day TBD) for 10 weeks.

For more information or to submit your work for consideration, contact

I look forward to working with you.

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Last Call for Speaking of Love

Registration is still open for Speaking of Love: A Poetry Seminar and Workshop. Class starts next Sunday, September 8, at 10 AM and will continue for six Sundays. All classes will be online.

To register or for more information, contact me at

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Shepherd: For Authors

I was recently contacted by Ben Shepherd whose passion for books led him to creating a web site to help promote the work of contemporary authors by not just listing their books but by having them choose their favorite writers whose work is akin to theirs. Writers don[‘t just choose their influences, however; they also explain their choices, leading readers into insights into the author’s creative wellspring. These associations lead to avenues of interest for readers, leading them on a path to the author’s own work. The purpose is to create interest in your book as well as sales.

I recently participated in this exercise and my “page” was just published for my novella, The Appointment.

You can learn more about Shepherd here and here. Hopefully, this will provide an avenue for our own work.

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Now Accepting Enrollment for Love Poetry Workshop

Enrollment is now open for Speaking of Love: A Poetry Seminar and Workshop. Together, we will explore the many facets of love poetry, from Sappho up to the present, participate in writing exercises and write poems related to love.

Class begins in September and will be conducted online. The cost for this 6 week workshop is $225.

To enroll, simply click on the PayPal button to submit your enrollment fee. Class is limited to 10 poets.

For more information, contact me at

I look forward to working with you.

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The Missing Slate and a Family in Gaza

The Missing Slate is an online literary magazine based in Pakistan. As stated on its site, it’s mission is to support “marginalized communities through actively uplifting and standing in solidarity with [those] communities. The core and editorial team that helps in the realization of this dream does so by maintaining a platform for free expression for literary work and art, nurturing an environment where diverse voices can be heard without censorship or suppression.”

Currently, The Missing Slate’s mission is to sponsor a family in Gaza, and they are now running a fundraiser on gofundme.

You can read more about The Missing Slate, their mission, the gofundme effort as well as their current issue by clicking here.

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Speaking of Love: A Poetry Seminar and Workshop

In celebration of my forthcoming book, A Brief Gazelle: Poems of Love and Grief,  I am offering an online seminar and workshop called  Speaking of Love: Love Poetry Across the Ages. This course will explore poetry dealing with love, in its many manifestations, through a series of lectures, readings, discussions and workshops. Participants will read and discuss poems, from the past up to the present, that relate to the subject of love in order to get a grounding for the different approaches to love poetry.

Topics will include:

  • What constitutes a love poem? 
  • Why write love poems?
  • Are love poems only about love? 

Participants will be assigned weekly exercises and will write at least one love poem which will be critiqued  and discussed by the other poets.

Sessions will be held online on six Sundays beginning in September.

  • Cost: $225
  • Format: Online
  • Session length: 2 hours per session from 10-12 EST
  • Dates: Sept 8, 15, 22, 29, Oct 6 and 13
  • Limit 10 poets

For more information or to register, contact


Mike Maggio is an assistant adjunct professor at Northern Virginia Community College, an associate editor at Potomac Review, and a graduate of George Mason University’s MFA program in Creative Writing  His latest collection of poetry, Let’s Call It Paradise, won the International Book Award for Contemporary Poetry in 2023. His newest collection, A Brief Gazelle: Poems of Love and Grief. is forthcoming from San Francisco Bay Press. His publication credits include fiction, poetry, travel and reviews in many local, national and international publications including Potomac Review, The L.A. Weekly, The Washington CityPaper, and The Washington Independent Review of Books. His full-length fiction publications include a novel, The Wizard and the White House (Little Feather Books, 2014), a novella, The Appointment (Vine Leaves Press, 2017), and a collection of short stories, Letters from Inside (Vine Leaves Press, 2019). His web site is

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The Poet and The Poem

Last week, I had the honor to be interviewed by Grace Cavalieri for her program, The Poet and the Poem which is broadcast from the Library of Congress. In addition to reading from my new book, A Brief Gazelle: Poems of Love and Grief, due out soon, topics included fiction writing as well as the war in Gaza.

Here is a link to the interview/reading:

A Brief Gazelle is now in the final stages of production and will be out soon. Stay tuned here for an update.

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First Flower of Spring

of the first bee of spring
embraces the gentle stroke

first debutante in the fresh fresh dance of the dewy spring dawn
air first flush of fragrance first burst of boldness
with passion orange tongue tasting the
flourish first yawn of color purple
bathes in the golden sun first
blossom blithe and bashful
peeling away first
first petal
first bud
up and
er stem
eager earth
from the
first flower of spring

Copyright 2024 Mike Maggio

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Announcing the Winner of This Year’s 30 for 30

As you know, Grace Cavalieri, Maryland’s Poet Laureate, was this year’s 30 for 30 judge. All of this year’s poems were judged blindly in a document I sent to her in May. After reading all the poems, she has selected “The Resort,’ by Jennifer Keith, as the winning poem.

Congratulations Jennifer!

Here is are Grace’s comments on the poem:

“My choice for the most fulfilling poem THE RESORT
This poem brought the nighttime mind into the day world while still maintaining a subconscious quality.
This is first class craft; Repetition of phrases and word patterns create a haunting resonance.  
 Fantasy is best when tethered in reality. The poet did this perfectly. The aesthetics on the page serve to fashion the illusion into order.”

Jennifer will be receiving a one-year subscription to Potomac Review, our sponsor. Thanks to Katherine Smith and Albert Kapikian, the editors, for once again sponsoring us. And thank you to all the poets who participated this year.

Stay tuned for next April’s challenge.


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