National Poetry Month – 30 for 30

April not only brings showers, blossoms and warm weather, it is also National Poetry Month, a month devoted to the vibrant voices who make up the poetry community, who toil in the nuts and bolts of language and who produce works that sing about the human experience.

To help celebrate the many rich and diverse voices that make up the contemporary poetry experience, I am presenting throughout the month a new poem each day by a different poet.  The poets you will be reading were chosen in a cyber-lottery sorts. I put out a call via email, Facebook and Twitter and the first 30 poets who responded were selected – volunteers, all of them. Some of them I know; most of them I don’t. That makes it especially exciting for me for, like you the reader, I too will be surprised and delighted by each poem that is posted.

So come by each day for a new poem — a new experience — by a different poet. Read, enjoy, contemplate and then respond. Give us your attention and your thoughts. Start a conversation. Above all, enjoy these poems and share them with your friends.

And at the end of the month, come back and vote for your favorite.

Thank you for stopping by and thanks to all the poets who have agreed to take part in this venture.


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