Michelle LT O’Hearn


The wildebeest beast grabs my hand for a feast
Fighting its flesh for a piece of the meat
As I dance on the forest floor in bare feet
Liquored up and delirious
Hiking the AT
The wiles of imagination speed up with the beat
Of my heart as it races with the wind to defeat
The ache of my soul buried beneath
All manner of manufacture when all I crave is peace
Corybantic fits followed by sleep
Unfettered rest stirred up with the leaves
As a tree branch releases a single leaf to be free
Sweat upon my head and absorbing the breeze
I chuckle at the humor of nature’s sleeping bee

© 2017 Michelle LT O’Hearn. All rights reserved.
Permission to print granted to Mike Maggio and the Poetry Society of Virginia.

Michelle LT O’Hearn is a poet and singer/songwriter, born and raised in Virginia, who performs as “MiCKi”.  She has published three poetry chapbooks and three music CD collections, reflecting the diversity of Virginia. With a variety of prize-winning poems in print by various journals and anthologies, Michelle is a life member of the Poetry Society of Virginia and the Riverside Writers (a Virginia Writers Club chapter).

Search for MiCKi-music at all major distributors and online radio channels using the search title, “Try to Relate” and “MiCKi”.  Connect at www.facebook.com/mickiohearn.

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  1. Pingback: “Corybantic” published in the 30 for 30 Project | Michelle O'Hearn | MiCKi

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