Stephanie Floros


An apple is not a story.
Its ripeness holds weight,
tips to a juicy balance with time
never forbidden to be consumed in one sitting;
still, better tasted line by line.
Nibble crisp, tart words to
satisfy for a moment
curiosity, vast and unquenchable.
Mystery rests in this pale, firm flesh.

An apple is more than a story.
An apple is a ruse – a guise
concealing secrets of the soil
and seeds buried from doubting tongues.
This primly wrapped package, comes to life for those
unafraid of seeing.

Glutted with the ripe flesh,
wasps murmur in the grass.
Earth-bound with drunkenness,
heedless of the roaring blade.
An apple is more than a story,
waiting for its resurrection.

Leaves transform and sun rays nudge
nectar-laden flowers to be foretellers of joy,
or truth.
An apple is more than a story.
Step with care.

© Stephanie Floros, 2013

Stephanie Floros is a Fairfax County Public Schools middle school reading specialist and an adjunct instructor of Developmental English at Northern Virginia Community College.

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